
Combined Manifesto Actions

Progress aligned to Housing Committee priorities & work plan 2019-23 Appendix 1.

Innovatively providing additional affordable and truly affordable homes

Develop an emergency plan to expand housing supply within 100 days


Drive an accelerated programme to buy & build homes including a minimum of 800 additional council houses maximising the use of borrowing and Right to Buy receipts

Appendix 1. 1.1. Achieve 800 additional council homes.


Slightly off track.

Develop 700 other new homes that are as affordable as possible over 4 years on mostly brownfield sites (including above car parks and shopping centres)

Appendix 1. 1.2. Achieve 700 other additional homes.


On track.

Aim to buy back all homes put on the market that have been lost through the right to buy

Appendix 1. 1.1. Achieve 800 additional council homes.


Slightly off track.

Increased affordability

·         Replace council homes lost at social rents where money can be found

·         Greatly increase provision of council homes at living (27.5% LWR) & social rents

Appendix 1. 1.3. Maximise the number of council homes replaced at social or living wage rents.


On track.

Innovative development

·         Create innovations to drive development such as city-wide small site & hidden homes strategy, and mixed tenure developments to deliver mixed communities, enable intergenerational living and fund more truly affordable living and social rents through commercial income


Appendix 1. 1.4. Develop a policy for the council to take on the role of developer on major sites.


On track.


·         Borrow to buy land for affordable housing and we will seek to buy the Brighton General Hospital site to avoid its privatisation*



·         Explore possibility of the council itself being a developer on major developments. Over time, aim to develop the council's own capabilities and reduce costs by directly employing staff and building stable teams to work on council projects

Appendix 1. 1.4. Develop a policy for the council to take on the role of developer on major sites.


On track.


·         Urgently explore a programme of quick build, e.g. modular homes to quickly alleviate housing

Appendix 1. 1.4. Develop a policy for the council to take on the role of developer on major sites.


On track.


·         Increase social housing stock by buying off plan from developers at discount

Appendix 1. 1.4. Develop a policy for the council to take on the role of developer on major sites.


On track.



Community led housing

·         Within 6 months identify 10 sites & work with community to develop them


Appendix 1. 1.5.  Identify suitable sites to work in partnership with Community Land Trust for development.


Slightly off track.


·         Use public land for community led housing at a price to maximise social value (i.e. living rents for people in housing ne

Appendix 1. 1.5.  Identify suitable sites to work in partnership with Community Land Trust for development.


Slightly off track.

·         Look at creating an ethical loan scheme where BHCC matches community investors*

Appendix 1. 1.5.  Identify suitable sites to work in partnership with Community Land Trust for development.


Slightly off track.


Improving private rented housing


Work towards selective licensing of private rented driving up conditions

Appendix 1. 2.1. Review and resubmit selective licensing scheme proposal to improve the management & standards of private rented sector homes in the city.


Slightly off track.


Drive fire safety improvements in private sector properties across the city


Appendix 1. 2.5. Develop and enforcement approach to private sector housing to improve management and standards.


On track.


Create a dedicated private rented sector enforcement team to proactively enforce housing and energy efficiency standards, including fixed penalties and taking action against landlords guilty of criminal breaches of environmental health and safety regulations. Tackle hazardous housing conditions by increasing capacity for 'HHSRS' hazard inspection and taking the initiative in identifying properties for inspection


Appendix 1. 2.5. Develop and enforcement approach to private sector housing to improve management and standards.


On track.


Campaign alongside other councils on shared issues such as proper regulation of short-term lets and business rates for landlords of houses in multiple occupancy


Cost saving

Set up a council run not for profit lettings agency

Appendix 1. 2.4. Research and develop a social lettings agency.


Slightly off track.

Support the expansion of good landlord schemes (where rents do not exceed LHA) model for more affordable private rented housing

Appendix 1. 2.4. Research and develop a social lettings agency.


Slightly off track.

Expand existing schemes encouraging landlords to offer homes to those on benefits and low incomes, including establishing an ethical letting agency


Appendix 1. 2.4. Research and develop a social lettings agency.


Slightly off track.

Seek ways of stopping landlords refusing to let to people on benefits, issues with referencing and no-go lists

Appendix 1. 2.4. Research and develop a social lettings agency.


Slightly off track.

Private renters voice and support

Set up an information/advice hub for private renters to tackle discrimination, ensure renters know their rights and enable better community involvement

Appendix 1. 2.3. Develop or commission an information or advice hub for private renters and consider options for a private tenants’ forum.


Off track.


Set up a tenant’s forum for private renters


Alleviating Homelessness and Rough-sleeping

Support for rough sleepers

Work towards eliminating the need for rough sleeping


Appendix 1. 3.1. Develop a rough sleeping strategy (to include partnerships with community homeless and faith projects and delivery of homeless enterprise projects).


On track.


Consult on how best to implement the bill of rights for homeless people


Appendix 1. 3.2. Review/consult/adopt the Homeless Bill of Rights


On track.


Provide a 365 day a year night shelter


Appendix 1. 3.3: Provide a 365 day night shelter


No longer applicable.


Expand Housing First by 300%


Appendix 1. 3.4. Expand Housing First


On track.


Support the development of homeless guardianship schemes



Strengthen coordinated partnership working with community homeless and faith projects


Appendix 1. 3.1. Develop a rough sleeping strategy (to include partnerships with community homeless and faith projects and delivery of homeless enterprise projects).


On track.


Explore options for voluntary contribution to homeless support to be added to tourist amenity providers e.g. Restaurant and Hotels*


Seek opportunities for homeless enterprise with voluntary organisations and local businesses e.g. tour guide enterprise*

Appendix 1. 3.1. Develop a rough sleeping strategy (to include partnerships with community homeless and faith projects and delivery of homeless enterprise projects).


On track.


Improving temporary and emergency homeless accommodation

Involve homeless people in a wide-ranging review of all support offered to homeless people

Appendix 1. 3.6. Develop a homeless strategy, ensuring homeless people are involved in the design and development of services which directly affect them.


On track.


Buy and build homes to meet a range of housing needs, including temporary/emergency accommodation, supported housing, housing first and general needs housing.

Appendix 1. 1.1. Achieve 800 additional council homes.


Slightly off track.

Replace privately-run temporary and emergency accommodation with council-owned provision, thereby also saving money in the longer term and look at converting existing council commercial residential accommodation into homeless accommodation to maximise social value from council assets

Appendix 1. 3.5. Develop a strategy for the provision of council run temporary accommodation including Seaside Homes.


On track.



Negotiate a new Seaside homes agreement which ends the loss of funds for the council under the current deal, protects current tenants and enables Seaside Homes to develop new ways of supporting homeless people (such as providing properties for Housing First)

Appendix 1. 3.5. Develop a strategy for the provision of council run temporary accommodation including Seaside Homes.


On track.

Explore use of Community Infrastructure Levy CIL for an expansion of Homeless support.*


Ensure new developments are of benefit to the city by applying a Community Infrastructure Levy that represents a full share of the city's infrastructure needs*


Achieving carbon reductions and sustainability in housing including fuel poverty

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2030

We will take all action required to make our city carbon neutral by 2030


Appendix 1. 4.1. Develop an action plan to set out how we will work collaboratively to ensure housing contributes to making the city carbon neutral by 2030.


On track.


Aim to build new council housing at sustainability levels that will significantly contribute towards our ambitions

Appendix 1. 4.3. Review the energy efficiency and provision on all new developments.


On track.


Develop low-carbon housing as a model in conjunction with the Community Land Trust

Appendix 1. 4.3. Review the energy efficiency and provision on all new developments.


On track.

Recycle building materials wherever possible as a first step towards a circular economy*

Appendix 1. 4.3. Review the energy efficiency and provision on all new developments.


On track.

Make (promote) community sustainable energy the first port of call for housing developments requiring sustainability installations

Appendix 1. 4.3. Review the energy efficiency and provision on all new developments.


On track.

Treble housing spending on PV and fuel efficiency measures for council homes and setting ambitious fuel poverty reduction targets– Consider distributing low cost biogas from food waste to council tenants/low income households


Appendix 1. 4.2. Develop a new PV and energy efficiency strategy for council homes to include standards for new homes.


Slightly off track.


Buy PV panels and other energy saving resources in bulk and supply at a mutually beneficial cost to residents, Brighton Energy co-op, 3rd sector organisations and/or commercial installers in the Brighton and Hove area

Appendix 1. 4.4: Investigate and report the possibility of bulk buying PV panels and other energy saving resources.


On track.



Build well insulated carbon neutral Council housing with solar panels

Appendix 1. 4.3. Review the energy efficiency and provision on all new developments.


On track.

Improve council housing and community involvement

Improving council housing

Develop and implement a “decent environment” standard for council estates to go alongside the decent home standard

Appendix 1. 5.1: Work with tenants to develop a ‘decent environment’ standard.


Slightly off track.


Drive fire safety improvements in council owned properties across the city.

Appendix 1. 5.2.  Develop a fire safety programme in conjunction with tenants and residents.


On track.


Enhancing community involvement

Review community involvement in housing


Appendix 1. 5.3.  Review and develop a new tenant and community involvement policy/strategy for housing, ensuring we learn from the lived experience of our clients, meet the ‘Involvement and Empowerment’ standard and that co-production is at the heart of our tenant and resident involvement work.


On track.


Extend participatory budgeting to environmental improvements to estates


Appendix 1. 5.4. Extend participatory budgeting.


On track.


Improve transparency and accountability in the housing department (taking the proposals of the housing coalition as the starting point)

Appendix 1. 3.1. Develop a rough sleeping strategy (to include partnerships with community homeless and faith projects and delivery of homeless enterprise projects).


On track.


Appendix 1. 5.3.  Review and develop a new tenant and community involvement policy/strategy for housing, ensuring we learn from the lived experience of our clients, meet the ‘Involvement and Empowerment’ standard and that co-production is at the heart of our tenant and resident involvement work.


On track.



Meet the regulator's Involvement and Empowerment standard

Appendix 1. 5.3.  Review and develop a new tenant and community involvement policy/strategy for housing, ensuring we learn from the lived experience of our clients, meet the ‘Involvement and Empowerment’ standard and that co-production is at the heart of our tenant and resident involvement work.


On track.


Establish more joint work with residents in decision making (‘co-production’) involvement in decision-making around housing policy and service delivery


Appendix 1. 5.3.  Review and develop a new tenant and community involvement policy/strategy for housing, ensuring we learn from the lived experience of our clients, meet the ‘Involvement and Empowerment’ standard and that co-production is at the heart of our tenant and resident involvement work.


On track.


Involve residents in fire safety

Appendix 1. 5.3.  Review and develop a new tenant and community involvement policy/strategy for housing, ensuring we learn from the lived experience of our clients, meet the ‘Involvement and Empowerment’ standard and that co-production is at the heart of our tenant and resident involvement work.


On track.


Leaseholder Services

Continue to ensure that leaseholders voices are heard and financial support is offered where necessary

Appendix 1. 5.5. Develop the work undertaken with leaseholders to develop a new leasehold involvement policy, setting out how leaseholders can be supported to be more proactively involved in capital works and other leasehold matters.


Slightly off track.


Introduce greater transparency and earlier involvement with leaseholders over proposed capital works (an approach of negotiation rather than legal action)

Appendix 1. 5.5. Develop the work undertaken with leaseholders to develop a new leasehold involvement policy, setting out how leaseholders can be supported to be more proactively involved in capital works and other leasehold matters.


Slightly off track.


Reduce the high interest rates charged when providing a loan for residential leaseholders struggling with large bills for works


Enabling more affordable home ownership

Home ownership

Explore expansion of self-build opportunities

Appendix 1. 6.1. Work with Community Land Trust (CLT) to develop self-build opportunities.


On track.


Provide 500 + shared ownership homes (through the joint venture and other developments


Appendix 1. 6.2. Work with Homes for Brighton & Hove and registered providers in the city to develop 500 shared ownership properties for essential workers who live and work in the city.


On track. 


Making fuller use of spare housing capacity

Empty Properties

Use measures including Compulsory Purchase Orders to target unoccupied and underused properties.

Appendix 1. 7.1. Review our empty homes policy to ensure 650 empty homes are brought back into use.


Slightly off track.


Bring at least 650 empty housing properties back into use.

Appendix 1. 7.1. Review our empty homes policy to ensure 650 empty homes are brought back into use.


Slightly off track.

Provide grants for households relinquishing council tenancies.

Appendix 1. 7.2: Develop a policy to incentivise households to relinquish council tenancies as an alternative to right to buy.


Slightly off track.


Pursue schemes to develop, expand and promote lodger provision to maximise use of spare rooms.

Appendix 1. 7.3.  Investigate the possibility of supporting a ‘lodger’ scheme and report to Committee.


Slightly off track.


Step up moves to pick up and prevent illegal sub-letting and fraudulent right to buy applications.


As above.

Explore how to restrict conversion and spread of short-term holiday let homes or air BnB property development.*

Appendix 1. 7.4. Undertake an impact assessment of short-term holiday lets and Air BnB in the city and consider options that may inform an approach to alleviate the most detrimental issues arising.


On track.


Alleviating austerity


Explore ways to increase council support for those struggling to afford the cost of housing

Appendix 1. 8.2.  Review arrears policy to ensure all action is taken at the earliest stage, support given and eviction is used as a last resort.


Slightly off track.


Appendix 1. 8.3.  Develop an arrears policy for temporary accommodation, which gives tenants the same level of support and assistance as those in permanent accommodation.


On track.


Make full use of discretionary housing payments

Appendix 1. 8.2.  Review arrears policy to ensure all action is taken at the earliest stage, support given and eviction is used as a last resort.


Slightly off track.


Appendix 1. 8.3.  Develop an arrears policy for temporary accommodation, which gives tenants the same level of support and assistance as those in permanent accommodation.


On track.


Protect from eviction anyone in arrears resulting solely from bedroom tax, universal or credit shortfalls.

Appendix 1. 8.2.  Review arrears policy to ensure all action is taken at the earliest stage, support given and eviction is used as a last resort.


Slightly off track.


Appendix 1. 8.3.  Develop an arrears policy for temporary accommodation, which gives tenants the same level of support and assistance as those in permanent accommodation.


On track.


Seek to protect tenants with new licences from Service Charge arrears evictions.

Appendix 1. 8.2.  Review arrears policy to ensure all action is taken at the earliest stage, support given and eviction is used as a last resort.


Slightly off track.


Appendix 1. 8.3.  Develop an arrears policy for temporary accommodation, which gives tenants the same level of support and assistance as those in permanent accommodation.


On track.


Ensure eviction is always a last resort.

Provide any specific support required for women, BAME tenants, refugees, asylum seekers and other marginalised groups who often bear the brunt of welfare changes and face a higher risk of eviction.

Appendix 1. 8.2.  Review arrears policy to ensure all action is taken at the earliest stage, support given and eviction is used as a last resort.


Slightly off track.


Appendix 1. 8.3.  Develop an arrears policy for temporary accommodation, which gives tenants the same level of support and assistance as those in permanent accommodation.


On track.


Local income opportunities

Ensure local home building is providing opportunities for young people to develop skills, for example through apprenticeships

Appendix 1. 8.1: Ensure the in-house repairs services include measures to: provide opportunities for young people to develop skills for example through apprenticeships; maximise community benefits, including through use of local firms and labour for supply chain as well as planned and major works; and, develop pathways to employment that are inclusive in offering opportunities to all the communities we serve.


Slightly off track.



Use regeneration schemes to provide social and sustainability benefits e.g. Local energy suppliers and employment*


Appendix 1. 8.1: Ensure the in-house repairs services include measures to: provide opportunities for young people to develop skills for example through apprenticeships; maximise community benefits, including through use of local firms and labour for supply chain as well as planned and major works; and, develop pathways to employment that are inclusive in offering opportunities to all the communities we serve.


Slightly off track.

Changing the way the council outsources its services so as to help small local suppliers win council contracts or by bringing services in house

Appendix 1. 8.1: Ensure the in-house repairs services include measures to: provide opportunities for young people to develop skills for example through apprenticeships; maximise community benefits, including through use of local firms and labour for supply chain as well as planned and major works; and, develop pathways to employment that are inclusive in offering opportunities to all the communities we serve.


Slightly off track.